The Tidal Stream Industry Energiser Project (TIGER)


On Paimpol-Brehat test site, the Tiger Project will demonstrate that tidal stream energy is a maturing industry, capable of achieving an accelerated cost reduction pathway.

The project will build cross-border partnerships to:

–  develop new technologies,

– test and demonstrate up to 8 MW of new tidal capacity at a number of locations around the Channel region,

– use the learning from this development to make a stronger, cost-effective case for tidal energy as part of the France/UK energy mix.

The project is the largest ever to be approved not only by the France (Channel) England Programme but by any Interreg programme.

Image projet TIGER

Examples of world leading tidal developers and their technology

This video explain tidal stream energy, including the science, the technology that is used to harness the tides, how tidal turbines are tested, along with examples of world leading tidal developers and their technology including, Orbital Marine Power, Minesto, QED Naval, Hydroquest, SIMEC Atlantis Energy.

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